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A disciple making family committed to following Jesus
Jesus's first instructions to His disciples was to "Follow Me". To know Jesus personally is the most important part of all our lives. We order our lives around Jesus who is majestic in every way and we follow Him with all our hearts.
His mission brings us together, but our relationships keep us together. Being with one another and loving one another is one of the greatest testimonies of His goodness and majesty. We do life TOGETHER
His Kingdom
Jesus commanded us to Go and make disciples of all nations and invited us to join Him in the greatest mission of all. As a church our highest priority is being faithful to making His name known among all nations
We meet on a Sunday afternoon at 4h00pm in the lounge at the All Nations Africa house in Noordhoek. We take time to turn our attention to God, listen to His Word, and enjoy connecting as friends over a meal after the service. Everyone is welcome!
1 Montrose Close, Sun Valley
The heartbeat of our church is the various groups that meet across the valley. From prayer meetings, ladies and men's groups and youth groups. This provides opportunity for all to be known and cared for, but also to grow in friendship with Jesus and each other.

Our World
Jesus calls us to be His hands and feet in this world for which He died. Whether you are called to be a teacher, business person, mom, sportsman, whether you go to another nation, reach the broken hearted in your neighborhood we are all called to be involved in the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19

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