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​Theological Statements on Controversial Topics


The following six statements are brief answers to challenging doctrinal questions many Every Nation pastors and campus missionaries face on the field today. The purpose of this document is to provide a basic theological framework for topics not directly addressed in our Statement of Faith.



God created every person as male or female, with equal dignity and worth, and these two distinct biological sexes together reflect the image of God.



Marriage is the exclusive union of one man and one woman, and sexual activity should occur only within that union.


Sanctity of Life

God created us in His image, and every person, from conception to natural death, possesses inherent dignity and immeasurable worth— including pre-born babies, the aged, the physically or mentally challenged, and others marginalised by society.



We celebrate the contributions that both Calvinists and Arminians have made to the advancement of God’s Kingdom, and because we recognise their many points of agreement, we will not let the differences divide our global family.


Race and Ethnicity

God created all humans in His image, and He is glorified when people from every ethnicity, culture, and language demonstrate to the world unity in diversity in Christ.


Women in Ministry

We affirm and encourage women in all areas of ministry while recognising the local church’s role in implementing this affirmation with wisdom according to its regional, cultural, theological, and social context.

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